Articles and Blog

Cheap Carpet Cleaning – A Waste of Time

One thing I'm seeing more and more of these days is really bad carpet cleaning companies coming onto the market. I think it's for the fact that you can buy a cheap carpet steam cleaning machine these days for under $5000 and start up a carpet cleaning business. Most of these type of operators will advertise on sites like Gumtree and generally advertise cheap rates. This will definitely hook-in lots of business. The major problem with these types of operators are that they have had no experience whatsoever and half the time they don't even need to know how to use the machine. These type of operators are entering into homes all over the Mornington Peninsula and attempting to clean carpets. They could actually damage your carpet in the process especially if they use harsh chemicals. You just have to be so careful; but how you find out whether or not they can be trusted? See if their website is up-to-date. Generally good operators will have a nice looking website, and I'm not just talking about a one page site they definitely will have more than one page outlining their services. The rogue cowboy as I call them won't even have a website half the time and if they do, there will be something on the site that isn't quite right. Another really good source to find out if you are hiring a professional carpet cleaner is to check online reviews. Sites like true local and Womo will have a star rating and also would give customers opportunity to write a testimonials or reviews about that business. If that business can't be trusted, you'll see a general pattern with the reviews and generally they will

Are You Looking to Save Money by Cleaning Your Own Carpets?

I have this conversation with a customer when it comes to cleaning carpets probably every couple of weeks. It's almost like people need to become quite dodgy in order to survive. That's why more and more people are hiring carpet cleaning machines. To hire one might cost around $40 but at the end of the day it won't make your carpets look any better and you can take that one to the bank! Recognise this piece of junk? Majority of the time the real estate agent want to see a receipt from a professional carpet cleaning company to state that it's been cleaned by 'professionals'. Did ya get that last bit, professionals. Generally what happens is they go out and hire a machine then attempt to clean the carpets. Not knowing how to use the machine and trying to follow the manual can be a little bit tedious and almost difficult for some people. What we use find is people that try to clean the carpets without using a carpet cleaning company are generally tenants moving out of the property at the end of the tenancy or lease. You could call it end of lease carpet cleaning. They're trying to save money anyway they can because moving, is well… expensive! Removalist these days costs $500 plus then you have bond down payment (most properties require $1000 plus dollars), connecting utilities and internet ($300) etc, etc, the list goes on.…. So most tenants these days are trying to save money anyway they can because moving is so dam expensive. The cost of living has risen that much that people are trying to save money generally by cutting corners. That's why carpet cleaning machines are

Carpet Cleaning Advice for Tenants and Landlords

For Homeowners or Landlords If you're a homeowner and you're looking to install carpet in one of your investment properties, there's a few things you need to take into consideration. If you've got tenants moving into a property, you have to realise that they may damage the carpet purely because they don't really care about it the way you would as the owner. Most tenants will never have the standard that you have, so keep that in mind and take into consideration fair wear and tear. That's the one major thing that landlords fail to think about and most judges at VCAT for example will always base their decision around. In short, a property will slowly depreciate over time. The judge will take into consideration how many people are living in the property, if there is kids or animals and also how long the tenants have been in the property. Fair wear and tear: Wear and tear is damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of normal wear or aging. It is used in a legal context for such areas as warranty contracts from manufacturers, which usually stipulate that damage due to wear and tear will not be covered. (, 2014) What Carpet to Choose? These are things that you need to think about if you're an owner and you're looking to rent a property out but you’re worried about the state of the carpet or what type of carpet you're looking to lay. Over time the carpet will accumulate stains (if they're not professionally cleaned that is) and you will find that you will probably need to repaint and re-carpet every 7 or so years. That's why it’s a good idea to

Anzac Day on the Mornington Peninsula 2014

There was a big turnout this year for Anzac Day all across the Mornington peninsula. Nearly 3000 people turned up to the Rosebud RSL Memorial service including over 250 to 300 World War II veterans. It was great for the older folk to educate the young ones on what war was about and what it meant to fight and die for this great country. About 700 people joined Hastings RSL at its dawn service and more than 1200 came along to the main service at 10.30am. Emcee for the day’s events Ken Black said RSL members marched down to the foreshore where the main service took place. “We also had a fly pass put on by the air force (Tyabb airport) and the Australian male Welsh choir sang hymns and World War I songs,” Mr Black said. “We’re already thinking about plans for the next year’s events.” Mornington RSL marked the day with a dawn service at Memorial Park followed by a breakfast at the club. President Ian Bates said more than 1600 people attended the dawn service, about 300 members joined the club for breakfast and about 2000 people turned out to the main service. “It has been a busy day and well attended,” Mr Bates said. Rosebud RSL Anzac Day service attracted a large crowd of veterans and young families who enjoyed the service under perfect blue skies. For local RSL members such as Fred Rossborough, right, it was a chance to catch up with current day servicemen including Michael Horner. Fred seved with Michael’s grandfather, Jack McKenzie in New Guinea and on Bougainville. Source: News Corp Australia Huge crowd for Mentone, Chelsea PEOPLE have turned out in their thousands in Mentone and

Why Having Beautiful Carpets or Rugs Can Make a Difference in Your Home

For some homes, carpets and rugs can really make a room. They can add so much colour and really make a room inviting. All the rage right now is fluffy rugs, and for good reason. They look so warm and comfortable and sit really well in front of fireplace or under a nice coffee table. But there is no point in having beautiful rugs or fine looking carpet if you don't take care of. What I mean by take care of it is by washing the carpets and rugs on a regular basis. I've been into countless homes where they had beautiful carpet, and it's really good quality however they haven't had the carpets steam cleaned on a regular basis and it's started to fade and look grubby. This can really bring down the character of the house just by having dirty looking carpet. This is why finding a professional carpet cleaning company that you can trust and build a long-term relationship with is important. Finding a guy who knows what he's doing (or a girl for that matter) can really make a huge difference to your household. It's pretty easy these days to find a good company purely by looking at all the good reviews online. When the review system opened up on the Internet it really weeded out the bad companies. When I'm surfing the net and looking for a particular service, I always check the local directories and Google reviews. You can really decipher what type of person or business you're going to hire by reading through the reviews of previous customers. That way you won't make a bad mistake of hiring someone who doesn't know what they're doing. Recently we had

Regular Carpet Cleaning – Do You Have To Do It?

Some people look at trying to save money any way they can, and carpet cleaning is one of those things that most people think they can do themselves. If you look at how much time you spend researching, trying to find a decent machine and on top of that learning how to remove stains, it could work out cheaper to actually hire a professional and do it yourself. Another important point to remember is you could actually damage the carpet if you don't know what you doing or you're not 100% confident. As a huge difference between the quality of the machines that you hire let's say from your local supermarket as opposed to a super powerful machine which a professional works with on a daily basis. The pressure that will come out of a hire or do it yourself machine will be that which a professional carpet cleaner wouldn't even use on upholstery. The PSI or pressure is so low that it's almost not worth using. I've spoken with customers in the past to have hired these machines and said to clean one room properly can take hours, purely for the fact that you have to continually go over the same spot in order to get it looking good. With a professional, they barely need to make a double pass because of the machinery and pressure they use is second to none. Just keep in mind also that a professional has the know-how, training and experience which money can't buy. Some professionals these days are actually certified technicians. If you speak to carpet wholesalers or retailers in your area, they may know someone who they can recommend. Also, it's a good idea to run

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