Are You Looking to Save Money by Cleaning Your Own Carpets?
I have this conversation with a customer when it comes to cleaning carpets probably every couple of weeks. It's almost like people need to become quite dodgy in order to survive. That's why more and more people are hiring carpet cleaning machines. To hire one might cost around $40 but at the end of the day it won't make your carpets look any better and you can take that one to the bank! Recognise this piece of junk? Majority of the time the real estate agent want to see a receipt from a professional carpet cleaning company to state that it's been cleaned by 'professionals'. Did ya get that last bit, professionals. Generally what happens is they go out and hire a machine then attempt to clean the carpets. Not knowing how to use the machine and trying to follow the manual can be a little bit tedious and almost difficult for some people. What we use find is people that try to clean the carpets without using a carpet cleaning company are generally tenants moving out of the property at the end of the tenancy or lease. You could call it end of lease carpet cleaning. They're trying to save money anyway they can because moving, is well… expensive! Removalist these days costs $500 plus then you have bond down payment (most properties require $1000 plus dollars), connecting utilities and internet ($300) etc, etc, the list goes on.…. So most tenants these days are trying to save money anyway they can because moving is so dam expensive. The cost of living has risen that much that people are trying to save money generally by cutting corners. That's why carpet cleaning machines are