Customers frequently inquire about how often should you steam clean your carpet with pets. The recommended frequency for carpet steam cleaning. We respond that carpet maintenance involves more than just getting it steam cleaned once or twice a year. Regular maintenance significantly enhances the appearance and texture of your carpet and extends its lifespan. Just like humans, some carpets require high maintenance, while others are low maintenance, but all carpets benefit from regular care to maintain their best condition.

Maintaining Clean Carpets with Pets: How Often to Steam Clean

pets on carpetsEnhance Your Carpet Maintenance: Three Essential Elements

For optimal carpet upkeep, we recommend focusing on three key maintenance measures following the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Cleaning Maintenance of Residential and Commercial Carpeting (AS/NZS 3733:2018). These elements are crucial for preserving the quality and appearance of both residential and commercial carpets:

1. Consistent Dry Vacuuming:
Regularly dry vacuuming your carpets is fundamental to removing accumulated dirt, dust, and debris. This routine practice ensures that your carpets remain fresh and visually appealing.

2. Prompt Stain and Spot Removal:
React swiftly to spills and accidents, as immediate stain and spot removal are crucial for preventing permanent damage to your carpets. With the appropriate techniques and products, you can effectively address any mishaps.

3. Corrective Cleaning Solutions:
Supplement your regular maintenance with occasional corrective cleaning, mainly when more profound, more stubborn stains are present. Employing professional expertise and appropriate methods can rejuvenate your carpets and maintain their pristine condition.

Discover the importance of these three essential elements and elevate your carpet maintenance practices for lasting beauty and cleanliness. With diligent care, your carpets will continue to enhance the overall aesthetics of your space.

Regular and Consistent Vacuuming

With the question, how often should you steam clean your carpet with pets, one needs to look at vacuuming.

Effective carpet maintenance starts with a crucial first step: vacuuming. Before scheduling your carpet’s steam cleaning, it is essential to vacuum the carpet thoroughly. This process efficiently removes dry soils, dust, debris, and even dead skin cells, which serve as a primary food source for allergy-inducing dust mites.

As recommended by the Carpet Institute of Australia Limited, approximately 85% of the dirt present in carpets is dry dirt that can be effectively eliminated through regular and diligent vacuuming. To ensure maximum efficiency, it is imperative to maintain the vacuum cleaning equipment in good working order.

By adhering to this essential practice, you can help preserve the cleanliness and longevity of your carpets, creating a healthier environment and contributing to their overall appearance and condition.

man vacuuming a carpets with pets

In maintaining carpet cleanliness, various vacuuming methods should be employed:

1. Spot Vacuuming: This method is suitable for areas with minimal foot traffic, allowing quick removal of visible soil, dust, or debris. However, spot vacuuming should be complemented with complete vacuuming at least weekly.

2. Traffic Area Vacuuming: Ideal for areas with light to moderate foot traffic, such as hallways, but only part of the carpeted area. It is an interim measure, with complete vacuuming required as needed.

3. Full Vacuuming: This thorough vacuuming covers all carpeted areas and should be performed regularly, depending on the amount of foot traffic.

We recommend vacuuming at least once or twice a week for residential carpets with light traffic.

On the other hand, commercial carpets require varying vacuuming frequencies based on foot traffic and area usage. For instance, a business office with light traffic may necessitate complete vacuuming once a week, supplemented by spot vacuuming in high-use areas 2-3 times a week. In contrast, hotels, schools, hospitals, or retail outlets may require daily vacuuming to maintain cleanliness.

Our team will work with you to determine the most suitable vacuuming schedule tailored to your needs and traffic patterns.

Spot Cleaning and Corrective Cleaning – Steam Cleaning to Maintain Your Carpets 

 Optimal schedule for steam cleaning carpets in households with pets:

cleaning schedule with pets

When it comes to spot and stain removal, time is of the essence. Immediate attention to spills and stains is crucial to prevent permanent damage. If you encounter any doubts, it is advisable to seek advice from a professional carpet cleaning service before attempting stain removal. Randomly using household items on stains can often worsen the situation, making it essential to handle stains with care.

One of the most effective methods for corrective cleaning is hot water extraction, commonly known as steam cleaning. According to the Australian Cleaning Standard, remedial cleaning involves water-based cleaning systems to remove deep-seated soil from textile floor coverings. Most carpet manufacturers recommend having your carpets professionally steam cleaned every 12-24 months to maintain their appearance. However, the benefits go beyond just appearance.

Carpets act as filters, trapping airborne contaminants and contributing to improved indoor air quality. To maintain a healthy carpet, periodic removal of these contaminants is necessary. Professional steam cleaning is the most thorough way to achieve this, with the frequency determined by the level of foot traffic your carpets endure.

Annual steam cleaning suffices for a small household, while family homes with children and pets require cleaning every 3-6 months. Commercial offices with light foot traffic opt for steam cleaning every 18-36 months, whereas high-traffic areas like schools, shops, hospitals, and hotels necessitate more frequent cleaning, around every 6-12 months. Restaurants might benefit from steam cleaning every 3-6 months.

Ensuring your carpets are well-maintained enhances their appearance and contributes to a healthier indoor environment. Therefore, it is essential to consider professional steam cleaning at appropriate intervals tailored to your specific carpet usage and foot traffic.

The Science Behind Steam Cleaning: Dirt and Contaminant Removal Explained

The steam cleaning process effectively removes dirt and contaminants from carpets. We begin by pre-spraying a cleaning agent onto the carpet. Then, either a portable machine or a truck-mounted machine injects hot water into the carpet and extracts it with the dirt and cleaning agent. The wand attached to the hot water extraction machine features a high-pressure hose delivering the hot water to the carpet and a vacuum hose to remove the water, dirt, detergent, and other contaminants. The dirty water is collected in a separate tank within the machine and disposed of responsibly after cleaning.

dirt on carpets

This thorough cleaning eliminates deeply embedded dirt, debris, allergens, organic compounds, and heavy metals from dust particles, chemicals, and pesticides that may be tracked in from the external environment. It also addresses the by-products of everyday living, such as smoke particles from cooking, open fires, cigarettes, and candles.

Hiring a professional for carpet steam cleaning is essential to ensure the cleaning is performed following the Australian Standard, guaranteeing optimal results.

Additional Recommendations:

1. Utilize place mats at entranceways and high-traffic areas to minimize soiling and reduce wear and tear on carpets.
2. Regularly sweep paths and external entrance points to prevent debris from being tracked indoors.
3. Opt for a high-quality vacuum with rotating brushes and preferably a HEPA filter for effective carpet cleaning.
4. Keep a carpet spot cleaning kit readily available, including clean light-coloured cloths/towels, spray bottles for cleaning solutions, and rinsing materials.

Implementing these practices will help maintain the cleanliness and longevity of your carpets, ensuring a welcoming and well-maintained environment.